Hillsdale, NY to Norfolk, CT

Before I post today’s photographs I’d like to ask a question of my fellow readers. I’m currently in the second book of the Inspector Montalbano series by Andrea Camilleri – thank you Poppy! Amazon made a recommendation today, based on my interest in Deborah Crombie’s books featuring Duncan Kincaid and Gemma James. It’s another British mystery series, this one by Peter Lovesey. It’s about Detective Superintendent Peter Diamond. The first book is called The Last Detective. Have any of my book advisors (and others) tried this series?

And now on to today. . .

Clouds returned and rain was in the forecast. I prepared for the ride by donning my rain pants and rain coat. Tim’s strategy was to keep all his rain gear in the Yak Sak, with the idea that he would unpack it and put it on after it started raining—exposing everything in the sack to the rain. In spite of the fact that we reached our destination without experiencing more than a few sprinkles, I’m sure I was correct. I was prepared!

We rode by many of the flowers in the pictures above. I remember John told us years ago that they are wild parsnips. But some were taller than we were (at least taller than we were sitting on the trike). How does one know when the giant hogweed is what one is looking at? I wasn’t about to stroke these plants to find out.

We left Route 23 just west of Great Barrington. Once again the GPS directed us onto quiet roads with little traffic. Above you can see the monument to Shay’s Rebellion and on the lower left a ghost car passes us. Just to let you know there was a little traffic – but not too much.

Tim has been reading a book about exercise called The First Twenty Minutes. He (who usually forgets to eat when we are working hard) is now giving me lectures on eating enough while we ride. I’m sorry to say that the cool weather and the time of day that we pass ice cream stands (many are closed) have prevented us from making what I consider to be a sufficient number of ice cream stops. Above you can see my substitute (at least for today). On the way in to Norfolk we stopped for a quick lunch. I love onion rings, but NEVER order them—you can imagine how not good for you they are. But this was a bike trip and I hadn’t had any ice cream today. The onion rings were wonderful.

Just as were were approaching our final destination, the chain broke—again! With the Mountain View Inn in sight, just up the road, we had to stop. Once again Tim repaired the chain, and we made it up the hill just as the rain began to fall.

Safe and dry for another night. Thank you!!